If you work around forklifts, you have to be aware of the risks they pose as they could result in a deadly situation. Whether you are the driver or simply a worker on the ground, a forklift can be a dangerous piece of equipment. Safety has to be the number one priority for everyone to avoid accidents. Your employer in California should also provide you with safety training.
The Business Journals explain the size and overall configuration of a forklift plays into its safety risks. For example, since it carries a load on the front, there is a lot of risk for overloading that makes the forklift front heavy. This could pose a tip over risk. In addition, the way it moves by swinging out and making wide turns also is a problem. You have to be aware of the forklifts weight limits and give it plenty of space to maneuver.
If you are operating a forklift, be aware of the potential blind spots a load may present. If a load blocks your view, make sure others know it. Be careful when driving when you cannot see directly in front of the forklift. Make sure you follow all safety protocols as well.
Only when everyone works together can it reduce safety risks concerning forklifts. You, your employer and your coworkers all need to be aware of the potential for accidents and take the proper steps to avoid them through training, adherence to procedures and awareness. This information is for education only. It is not legal advice.