As you know, construction sites are not uncommon in a busy and growing state like California. A significant portion of construction workers’ duties will take place on scaffolding structures. It is essential for you and your associates to observe safety standards regarding scaffolding, as well as for your employer to ensure safety training and procedures are being met.
The National Safety Council warns that numerous hazards are common involving construction scaffolding. Your life may be threatened at any time on even the sturdiest scaffold. The most common dangers include the following:
- Falls, especially from the lack of proper access to heights or an incorrectly planked walking surface
- Structural collapse
- Being struck by falling material
- Electrocution and electrical shock
Safety officials recommend that scaffolding equipment is inspected by experienced scaffolding consultants during the planning and construction of the structures, as well as periodically while the structures remain in use. You should not work on a scaffold that is considered unsafe until repairs are made. While working on a scaffold, only climb on ladders and ramps that are designated to grant workers access to the structures, and do not walk on surfaces that are unsteady or show gaps. When working at heights greater than six to 10 feet, it is necessary to use safety equipment like harnesses and helmets to protect you from losing your balance or falling.
Your employer has a responsibility to ensure safety standards are met or exceeded. The information in this blog is not meant to serve as legal advice.